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Finding Nemo

Quite an interesting name for my first ever blog. Interesting since it reminds every one of the movie and its iconic place in the heart of almost all the kids and the indefatigable search of a father for his son. Though my blog is not related to the movie and definitely doesn't swims under the ocean, but it is also an indefatigable search for the self. (I leave the judgment for the word – indefatigable to you). I believe that life has a purpose. Everything we do or happens is for a purpose. It is the search for that purpose, which drives me. I am sure that this blog would be confusing to you at times and probably may make no sense. But I would try to remain true to myself and record the search as it happens. Reading or not – is your choice. Writing is definitely mine!

Did Yudhishthir go to heaven?

In the last few chapters of Mahabharata, "Svargarohanika Parva" to be precise, Veda Vyasa introduces a nice little story. And as we understand that every story has a moral or a purpose. After the Mahabharata war, Pandavas ruled their kingdom for 36 years. In the 36 th year, the desire for giving up and moving to the heaven took on them. All the five brothers and their wife – Draupadi started to climb the mountain which was to take them to the heaven or "Swarg". On the way, all four brothers and Draupadi died leaving Yudhishthir alone on his journey. Upon reaching the heaven, Yudhishthir saw his 100 Kaurava cousins in there but neither his Pandava brothers not his wife Draupadi. He felt anguish in him and charged the gods that they were being unfair by giving heaven to Kauravas and denying the same to his brothers and wife. This anguish shone on him like anger. He charged the gods for being unfair and giving heaven to treacherous, murderous, unjust Kauravas. The god