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Brahma's fifth head - yet again!

I wrote about the fifth head of Brahma and also on understanding the Brahmin. Today, I just wanted to touch upon the same very topics with a fresh new idea!

Brahma is the creator but is not worshiped. He is considered and is admired as a supreme God along with Shiva and Vishnu, but does not has any dedicated temple or even a faith for himself compared to Shaivites or Vaishnavites! However, wikipedia article mentions a Brahma Sampradaya and very few dedicated temples for Brahma. Thinking of which, the question arises - why? Brahma in his quest for knowledge of his existence, created the anomaly called COMPARISONS and hence led to rat race we are all competing in even today. It was one such competition where in he lied to Shiva and Vishnu to have reached the end of and endless fire pillar (Shiva himself) to win over Vishnu. Brahma realizing his mistake, resorted to learning and enchanting Vedas to absolve himself. The Brahma Sampraday is dedicated towards extending the knowledge of the vedas to everyone interested. Thus expanding their and everyone's knowledge.

Brahmin, as we saw earlier, is an elevated human who is tasked to help others identify themselves and their purposes. Brahmin is expected to share the knowledge with everyone and help all to expand their horizons and ability to think. Basically, the Brahmin represents the mind of a society. Thus, Brahma can be said to be a Brahmin as well.

Even then, we have seen examples of chopping off of Brahmin's head multiple times in our scriptures. What does it indicates?

  • Brahma's head was chopped off by Shiva when he got obsessed with his own creation Shatrupa.
  • Ravana had 10 heads symbolizing different and vast knowledge he had. But he started believing in himself and the instinct of domination. In return, Rama chopped off his head multiple times before his eventual death. 
  • Drona was a teacher and shared his knowledge to raise princes. However, all his acts were obsessed by the thoughts of his son - Ashwathama. He charged tutions, denied knowledge to Eklavya for his interests towards his son. For his son's interests, he allowed the sin to happen in Hastinapur assembly and did not speak against it. Eventually, his obsession for his son was used to execute him through cutting his head.
Consider the society to be an organism and interpret it to be a human body (Thanks to Dr Devdutta Pattnaik for this analogy). There is a mind or a group of thinkers who provide the rules and strategy for the society. There is hands or the executors or the controls that keep the society working. There are legs or the movers who keep the society moving. And finally at the heart of the organism is the set of people who hold the values of the society. The same applies to the organizations as well. 

In a physiological world, when one part of the body starts to malfunction and is beyond correction it is important to remove it from the body to allow the rest to function properly. 

Similarly, once the mind does not performs the function it should - thinking for the good - expanding horizons, sharing knowledge, it must be removed from the body. 

This is what happened to Brahma, Ravana, Drona and many others that we may have come across but not identified in this perspective


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