Sunday, April 21, 2024


Funeral Pyre


यह कैसी आग है ?

सभी तरफ फैली हुयी,

ऊँची लाल तपती लपटें ,

सब कुछ जलाती हुयी ?

                            बढ़ती उफनती यह ज्वाला ,

                            मेरी तरफ ही आ रही है। 

                            और वो मोहल्ले के बाबा,

                            देखो तो कहाँ जा रहे हैं ?

और यह पड़ोस की नानी ?

सुनती थी रोज कहानी,

आज किधर जाती हो ?

मुझे दूर कहाँ जाती हो ?

                            देखो तो बालसखा मेरे ,

                            जाते हैं कहाँ मुझसे मुंह फेरे ?

                            बचाओ मुझे इस आग से ,

                            क्यों भागे जाते हो अपने इस मित्र से ?

अब यह चिल्लाना कैसा ?

कौन कराहा ? क्या चरमराया ?

आज यह आग क्या जलायेगी ?

किस किस की चिता सजायेगी ?

                            बचाओ यह तो मेरा ही घर है ,

                            अंदर मेरे सपने हैं, मेरा संसार है। 

                            घर में मेरी खुशियां हैं ,

                            संजो संजो कर रखी जीती जाती पुतलियां हैं। 

बचाओ यह मेरे अपने हैं ,

यह चिता मेरे सपनों की है ,

मेरे अरमानों की है ,

मेरे अपनों की है। 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Empathy and its value

 We just concluded our Govardhan Pooja 2023 or Annakoot for this year. We displayed Sri Krishna in 4 different forms as he is worshipped in different parts of India and elsewhere. This was an eye opening for many as some of us didn’t realize that these were forms of Krishna!

One of the most interesting form amongst all was the Lord Jagannatha!

Lord or Bhagwan Jagannatha is any form is depicted as an incomplete form but with big rather huge eyes for its form. The question is why? The Lord has big eyes because he sees it all. He sees you, me and all of us. He sees all of our issues and our problems. He sees and watches each of the hardships we go through and supports us along the same. 

But really what does he see? You me, others or our acts, wants, needs, stories and thoughts?

Sri Krishna was born to Devaki and Vasudeva in a prison. But he was transported to Gokul and was celebrated by a doting mother and a father –Yashoda and Nandbaba. He was always surrounded by the people of Gokul, Vrindavan and surrounding villages that accused him of stealing butter, but adored him dearly. Krishna was always surrounded by love and all he saw was love. 

Later in life, Sri Krishna saw Kansa – a despotic ruler who sent his father to prison to assume his throne. Kansa was also the reason why Sri Krishna’s parents were in prison. Kansa tried to kill Sri Krishna multiple times through his growing up years. Did Krishna see him like a villain or as a child who was born out of angst? Did Krishna see Kansa as a tyrannical ruler or a person longing for love? Did Krishna killed Kansa and looked at him in disdain or granted him peace?

Sri Krishna later established Dwarka and was known as Dwarkadhish. In this capacity, he intervened in the popular battle of Mahabharata where he tried to mediate between the Pandavas and Kauravas. He even promised his army to fight against himself in the battle. But did he really see two cousins fighting themselves? Or did he see Duryodhana – a child deprived of love. 

Duryodhana had a father who could not see due to his blindness since birth, and a mother who would not see due to her blindness in order to support her husband. Imagine a child in place of Duryodhana! Wouldn’t the child be scarred for life? 

Sri Krishna saw Duryodhana for what he was and admired him and showed his blessing in every bit possible. Possibly that’s the reason for the large eyes of Lord Jagannatha. He sees it all. Yet he showers his blessings on us. 

I wish we all grant the Krishna in us a chance. Be able to see the other for what they are – Do not judge by appearance or one event at all…. See who they really are, why are they the way they are! Have an empathy towards everyone. Not only will it make us Krishna, but will also help us develop a better human being.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Taadaka vadh

 दषरथनन्दन, रघुकुल वंदन  

हार्दिक अभिनन्दन 


आप पधारे हमारे मठ 

यहाँ हैं सभी सुख 

मंत्रोचारण करते सभी मुख 

ना ही कोई होता भय 

सभी का पेट भरता यह अक्षय 

पर ताड़का है 

यह बड़ी भरी 

कृत्यों से राक्षस 

पर है यह नारी 

कभी नष्ट कर देती 

हवन समिधा  

तो कभी ले भागती यह 

यग्न फल 

उद्धार करो

हे कौशल्यानंदन 

उठाओ बाण 

कर दो छिन्न भिन्न 

जो हमारा है 

दिलाओ हमें 

अधर्म से छुटकारा 

दिलाओ हमें 

मत करो विषाद 

त्रिमातृका अपत्य 

यह नारी नहीं 

निशिचरी है या है दैत्य 

पशु घात या नारी पे आघात 

ऋषि कल्याण या समाज निर्माण 

राम के प्रश्न कई 

क्या समझ सका है कोई?

राम ने ठाना था 

राम राज्य का स्वप्न 

कर दिया विश्व निर्माण में 

अपना भी हवन 

विश्वामित्र की आकुलता में 

राम ने त्रिजटा का कर दिए वध 

राम राज्य की स्थापना 

की थी यहीं से प्रारब्ध 

करो यज्ञ, करो व्यापार 

लेन देन से बढ़ता है यह संसार 

छीनो मत, उठाओ मत,

बिना कर्म ना उसपर तुम्हारा अधिकार 

कर्म होगा तो फल मिलेगा 

क्या मिलेगा, न उसपर कोई जोर होगा 

कर्म से ही धर्म है 

और धर्म वही है जो जोड़े सभी को 

ना वह जो मुंह मोड तोड़े सभी को

Monday, March 29, 2021

Holi - 2021

आओ खेलें होली, 
रंगों से, 
उमंगों से, 
दिल की उन तरंगों से, 
जो अनंत रंग देखतीं हैं और अंतरंग भी।  

त्यौहार है यह रंगों का, 
रंगों के एक हो जाने का, 
रंग संग मन के मिल जाने का, 
एक संग मिल उमंगों की पींगें बढ़ाने  का। 

त्यौहार नहीं रंगों में भेदभाव का, 
त्यौहार नहीं आपस में क्लेश बढ़ने का, 
त्यौहार नहीं कलुषित विचारों का, 
त्यौहार नहीं व्यभिचारों का। 

जलाओ चिंगारी,
विचारों की,
कुरीतियां मिटाने की, 
द्वेष दूर भागने की, 
सद्भावना बढ़ाने की।  

खेलो होली, 
लगाओ रंग, 
मचाओ हुड़दंग, 
पियो भंग, 
पर मत करो किसी का
मान भंग। 

आओ खेलें होली, 
रंगों से, 
उमंगों से, 
दिल की उन तरंगों से ,
जो अनंत रंग देखतीं हैं और अंतरंग भी। 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Nahusha - Lessons to learn!

 Just as we learned from the story of Yayati, there are a few lessons to learn from his father Nahusha too!

Let me recap Nahusha’s story and then we can look at the lessons –

Nahusha was a great ruler of the mankind on the earth. He had performed many yagnas and was well known for his principles and generosity. Just as fate would have it, Indra – the king of the gods had to serve a period of penance and left the throne vacant. Indra’s court and the advisors suggested to appoint Nahusha as the king of the Devas while Indra was serving the penance. Nahusha was initially surprised, thrilled but finally accepted the appointment. He did a great job of governing the court of the heaven. However, the extremities of the heaven and the powers started to catch on to Nahusha. He started to believe that he was superior to all and had all the powers in himself. He forgot how he ascended to the throne. In his pride and presumptuousness, he started to become arrogant, haughty and swell headed. He started to behave rudely in the court and disrespected the gods and the sages. One day he saw Shachi – the beautiful wife of Indra. In the moment of lust, he asked Shachi to accept him as her husband. When she refused, he asserted himself on her as he was the king. To teach him a lesson, Shachi requested him to come to her in a palanquin lifted by the seven revered sages – Saptarishis. When Nahusha was going on the palanquin, he cursed the sages and shouted at them to move faster. Sage Agastya at one time, stumbled while carrying the palanquin. Blinded by the lust and his power, Nahusha kicked him in the back and asked him to stop acting like a Sarpa (Serpant or Sanke) which crawls and move faster. Rishi Agastya infuriated at this treatment, cursed Nahusha to loose all his good deeds, kingdom and become a python himself and fall on the earth and live there forever. This way he shall never attain salvation. When Nahusha realized his mistake and pleaded for forgiveness, Rishi Agastya told him that he shall be relieved of the curse when one of his descendants Yudhishthira shall help him many generations later. We shall revisit this story later.

Pic credit - Devdutt Pattnaik

Things to learn from Nahusha’s story are as follows –

  1. One must never forget that the importance or power they wield is because of the position they hold. Once they lose the position, there is no difference between them or the person next door.
  2. The strength of character and knowledge are the only virtues that remains with the person forever
  3. Every action has reaction (Think Newton again!) – No action ever goes unnoticed. There shall always be a reaction. If it is in your favor, you shall enjoy it.
  4. Never underestimate and disrespect others – Nature has given different qualities to each one of us. Each quality may come in handy at a given scenario. If one person is not able to act according to a situation, it may be that their qualities are for a different situation.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Happy new year 2021

 In the last few days of 2020, I watched the recently released Disney movie – Soul with my family. It was an amazing enriching experience. The movie had a great message – find your purpose in life, and don’t let your life be governed by the goals you set forth for yourself. The goals are stepping stones towards your purpose and not the final destination themselves. This came in just handy as we were preparing for our goals for the new year and setting our resolutions. It is always important to work towards your goals but not let the purpose of life slip away from your view and thoughts.

In this regard, I would like to take a slight spin on the story of Yayati. Please indulge with me in this story and the message I looked upon for myself.

A long time ago, there used to be an Asura king Vrishaparva and his main advisor as well as teacher was the rishi Shukracharya. Their daughters Sharmishtha (daughter of Vrishaparva) and Devyani(daughter of Shukracharya) were good friends. They used to play and pass all their time together. However, once due to some misunderstanding, Sharmishtha got angry with Devayani and in her moment of rage and pride asked her soldiers to throw Devayani in a well. Devayani cried for help and another king – Yayati happened to pass by the well and hear her prayers. Yayati helped Devayani out of the well. Devayani was smitten by the good looks, well built and the helpful nature of Yayati. Yayati too fell in love with Devayani’s beauty. When Yayati escorted Devayani to her father’s ashram, he asked Shukracharya’s permission to marry Devayani. Meanwhile, Shukracharya was very angry with Vrishaparva and Sharmishtha for Sharmishtha’s act towards Devayani. Vrishaparva, knowing his teacher’s anger and importance, pleaded for forgiveness. Sharmishtha too filled with guilt over her actions, pleaded for forgiveness. While Sharmishtha’s rage was over, Devayani was filled with the similar rage and the thirst to prove herself superior. She demanded Sharmishtha to serve as her servant. In the same order to prover might, she took Devayani as her servant even after marriage to King Yayati’s kingdom. What she did not realize was that the same  Devayanai could become her challenge later. Yayati fell in love with Sharmishtha later on seeing her princess like beauty and took her as his new wife. When Devayani found out about this relationship, she became angry and complained to her father. In his fit of anger, Shukracharya cursed Yayati to loose his virility and youth. Yayati later regained his lost youth when his own son Puru accepted Yayati’s curse.

Yayati Symbol - inspired from Sacred Games!
Picture credits - Yayati symbol inspired from Netflix's Sacred Games show

In this story, multiple points happen –

1.        Actions are taken in fit of rage and anger – These actions led to other issues and much more twisted tail of events than initially envisioned by the actors

2.        Yayati’s lust for youth and virility – Yayati set his goals on the youthfulness and enjoyment. In this goal setting, he forgot the purpose of life and tried to govern the nature. He forgot that everything that rises, must fall down. For his own selfishness, he destroyed his own son’s youth

3.        Yayati’s clan – Yayati’s sons later become the forefathers of the famous Kuru clan which fought the Mahabharat war. If only Yayati had controlled his lust and selfishness, the Mahabharat war could have been avoided.

4.        Every action has a reaction – Call it Newton’s law or Karma – no act goes unnoticed and has a repercussion. Devayani’s act of proving herself superior costed her husband!

5.        Do not try to control the nature or the flow of events – Whenever the natural phenomenon or circumstances are controlled, unexpected results are seen. Will talk in detail in many more articles to come…

6.        Yayati's story is a also a classic example of a pessimistic / optimistic view of life. The trick is in maintaining the balance. And that is something you shall achieve when you have the goals and purpose properly set for yourself!

Let’s start the new year with the proper thoughts and the learnings from Yayati’s story – not to let the selfishness or anger overpower you and never to loose the purpose of life. It may not be an easy task to determine your purpose, but keep looking for it!


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Love for Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is probably the most loved figure and beloved god for many. Sri Krishna’s disciples can be found all over the world and their devotion is unmatched. Srimad Vallabhacharya’s Pushtimarg, ISKCON, BAPS, and every other sect has been preaching the love for Sri Krishna and spreading his stories everyday. 
Sri Krishna is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and a complete human in every aspect. He is one who is aware of his being, yet indulges in the activities of the human life. He is the one who despises the social restrictions yet upholds the ways of the principles. He is the one who teaches us to transform with time and always remember to do what is right. He is who teaches us that one must perform their duties and inaction is not a solution. 
We recently celebrated the same love for Krishna in form of Govardhan Pooja & Annakoot. In our capacity to explain the one who is beyond all expletives, we humbly try to portray five different forms of love that has become symbolic with Krishna – Radha, Rukmini, Meera, Brijvaasis (People of the sacred land of Vrij – where Sri Krishna lead his early life) and us. 
Govardhan Pooja & Annakoot Celebration

Radha & Krishna

Sri Radha Krishna is the most prominent figure that one finds in temples and folklores. This couple has been known as an epitome of love and an example for couples for many generations. Immense and unconditional love that not only mesmerized the people but even the nature that witnessed them is a forever story that shall live till eternity for its purity and compassion. 
Set in Vrindavan, the story of Krishna and Radha started in their young age when Sri Krishna would wander around the entire Vrij (Land mass close to the city of Mathura) while tending to his cows. Krishna’s playful and caring nature attracted Radha and other ladies towards him. Krishna and Radha were inseparable. It is said that their togetherness was even celebrated by the nature that blossomed when they were close and took a different turn, when they separated. The modern day Vrindavan is full of small temples and places that depict the various actions of Sri Krishna and Sri Radha. Nidhi Van in particular is known as a place where Sri Radha Ji & Sri Krishna Ji descend on earth every night. 
Radha and Krishna are never considered separate from each other. They are considered two sides of the same coin. Sri Krishna and Sri Radha have always been together and will always be. Their separation as seen in the stories is just a mere semblance to uncover many more truth of the human life. However, there are some stories and views that she was also an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi who descended upon the earth, when God Vishnu took the form of Sri Krishna. 
It is said that once Rukmini wanted to see Radha – the soulmate of Krishna. When she went to meet Radha, she expected a heavenly beauty considering Radha’s maids and Krishna’s love for her. Instead on meeting Radha, she found that Radha had developed burns all over her body. Upon inquiring, Radha explained that by mistake Rukmini gave hot milk to Krishna previous night that he drank. Since Radha lives in Krishna’s heart always, the burns appear on her body. 
At the same time, it is said that Sri Krishna stopped playing flute when he separated from Radha while leaving for Mathura. Though he kept his flute with him forever as a memory of Radha, he never played it. The only time he played his flute was when he decided to leave his body on earth and ascend to the Vaikuntha – his abode. 
Radha’s love for Krishna is seen as unconditional yet strong, mental bond that could never have been explained in words. The strength of her love is seen as it changed both herself and Krishna. They both acted out of turns to appease each other and be with each other. They were complete with each other and by themselves. Their love is beyond the social norms and the devotion seems mutual. 
Today we find many temples, poems and songs dedicated to the love between Sri Krishna and Radha. It is also said that Sri Krishna used to dress up like a girl and Radha as a boy to appease Radha and experience the feel of love. Such purity and poignancy can’t be described in words. 

Rukmini & Krishna

Rukmini, the princess of Vidarbha, is considered to the be the first and chief consort of Sri Krishna. Sri Krishna marries Rukmini after he kidnapped her and eloped with her saving her from an unwanted alliance. 
Rukmini’s father Bhishmaka, king of Vidarbha and her brother Rukmi wanted to marry Rukmini to Shishupala – King of Chedi. Rukmini was in love with Sri Krishna and defied her father and brother. Her prayers and confession of love to Sri Krishna won his heart. Sri Krishna always loved Rukmini and accepted her as the chief queen of his kingdom Dwarka. 
Rukmini ji is believed to be the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi herself hence denoting the prosperity and beauty. Her character, charm and greatness was famed in far off regions as well. 
Her devotion for Sri Krishna is seen in many stories. In one of the story, when Sudama visited Sri Krishna in Dwarka, Krishna welcomed his friend and serviced him like a devoted servant. Rukmini followed Sri Krishna’s footsteps and performed her duties accordingly. She left no stone unturned in welcoming Sudama despite of his poor condition.
Similarly, Sri Krishna’s love for Rukmini is seen in many stories where Rukmini and Satyabhama have a dispute. In one story, Rukmini and Satyabhama had a challenge to donate gold which weighed equal to that of Sri Krishna. Satyabhama was a rich princess, she had a lot to give away, yet could not match Sri Krishna’s weight. Rukmini on the other hand, was comparatively poor since she was kidnapped. When her turn came, she gave away all har jewelry and put a leaf of Tulsi to match up Sri Krishna. She always knew what Sri Krishna preferred. 
Her love for Sri Krishna is seen as a following, unquestioning, doting wife who loves Sri Krishna and is ready to give up everything for him. Her love is devotion and well defined in the social norms. 

Meera & Krishna

Meera or Meerabai was a 16th century poet and devotee of Sri Krishna. Her devotion for Sri Krishna was so strong that she left her family and all social bonds to find Krishna through the songs and poetry. 
Meera was born in a Rajput family in Rajasthan and was married to Bhoj Raj – crown prince of Mewar. However, Meera had considered Sri Krishna as her husband since childhood and hence denounced all worldly relationships. This caused a lot of challenges for herself as her in-laws tried to kill her through various means. 
Meera’s devotion for Krishna is world known and she is an epitome of the Bhakti movement (devotional trend). Meerabai composed innumerable devotional songs and almost all of them have a philosophical connotation. One of her most popular compositions remains "Paayoji maine Ram Ratan dhan paayo". Meera's poems are lyrical padas (metric verses) in Rajasthani language.
It is said that Meera left her home in Mewar and went on a pilgrimage to Vrindavan and Dwarka in search of Krishna. At last she disappeared by merging into an idol of Krishna. Her temple in the Chittor Fort still stands tall, telling the world about her. 
Meera’s love for Sri Krishna was pure devotion. A submission into someone who you have not seen but heard of and considered by your side. She expected nothing but gave up everything for the feeling of love she had for Sri Krishna. 

Brijvaasi & Krishna

Braj, also known as Brij or Brijbhoomi, is a region in Uttar Pradesh of India, around Mathura-Vrindavan. The people born in this land had an extraordinary opportunity to have lived with Sri Krishna and enjoy the charisma of the God himself. 
All the people of Brij whether male or female had an association with Sri Krishna himself. While all males enjoyed his companionship, the females enjoyed his charisma as their son, brother or a friend. 
The people of Brij gave their unconditional love and followed Sri Krishna’s voice in every matter. It is then they listened to him and decided to worship “Govardhana” and abandon the prayers for Indra. Sri Krishna in turn, lifted the Govardhana on his finger and saved all the residents of Brij and their belongings from the wrath of Indra.  
Brijvaasis were very privileged that they were born in the holy land of Brij and were able to witness the various playful acts of Krishna while he was growing up from a kid to a mature youth. They vowed to follow Sri Krishna forever and devoted everything on him. When Krishna moved to Mathura and later to Dwarka, the people of Brij remained in Brij at the behest of Sri Krishna. They lived their lives with the blissful memories of Sri Krishna. 
Event today, Brij is considered a holy land and it is a privilege to have been born there. It is said that it is a result of good karma that you get this privilege. However, as Sri Krishna says, the privilege is not forever, one must continue with their duties in the world to be able to prove worthy for the continued privilege. 


We love Sri Krishna for everything. For our being and all that he has graced upon us. We would love to sing for him, dance in his ecstasy and praise him for the way of life Sri Krishna has shown us. Though a Yogi himself, Sri Krishna has become popular with the masses through the Bhakti parampara – The ways of devotion. 
In his praise we celebrate the Govardhan Pooja and Annakoot. Upon his insistence and grace on us we humbly offer to him what he has given us, empowered us and enabled us. May his blessings be always upon us all and we continue to follow his path with utmost devotion.