Sunday, February 2, 2014

Who needs motivation?

When Hanuman and his group of monkeys reached the sea shore in search for Sita, all of them discussed ways to cross the sea. Some said that they could jump upto 100 yards but it may not be enough to reach Lanka on the other end of the sea! They even started to think ways to lead their lives without returning to their home – Kishkindha and face the wrath of failure. Then, amidst all the discussions, an old bear – Jambvant spoke to Hanuman – “Oh Vayuputra Hanuman! Only you can cross the ocean. You can easily jump across the ocean and reach Lanka in no time. You have descended on the earth for a purpose. You had once flew and ate the Sun itself. Your power and reach has no bounds”. Hanuman had forgotten his powers due to a curse.
Jambvant was praising Hanuman and motivating him to realize his potential. He chose his words carefully, realizing his power and putting the overall goal in front of Hanuman inspiring him to achieve.
In Bhagwad Gita, Krishna told Arjun that one must lead their life to do the acts of God without the expectation of the fruits. He also said that the “Karma” or the acts performed are transactional in nature and can be easily termed as “Yagna”. Yagna is where the doer or the “yajman” performs the act and offers it to the God. The God in return absolves the doer of the outcome and provides solace. It is this solace and notion of peace, which keeps the performer going. Arjuna had given up on his weapons and was ready to renounce the war of Mahabharata, if it was not the motivation from Sri Krishna. He also said that transactional relationships are also causes for stress and may cause either parties to stray away. And whenever such a stress jeopardizes the action, the God himself would descend to correct the course.
Each one of us, need the motivation just like Hanuman or Arjun. We all have potential to achieve our goals, but have forgotten it somehow. It is very difficult for any human being to perform the acts and foregoing the fruits. At the same time, it is very difficult to lead a meaningful life, knowing fully well that there will be innumerable lives after this one! To keep moving on the path of Gita, one needs motivation. When Brahma’s creation lacks motivation, it starts rotting and strays from the path of sustenance. This is the time, the God takes a form to destroy the rotten part and rejuvenate the creation once more, giving it a new life and a new meaning.
Doesn’t it sounds like the corporate story too? Every organization has its own set of employees, leaders, managers and owners. When all the constituents are well motivated, the organization is healthy. Motivation comes in many forms – Power, Attitude, Incentive, Fear, Competence, Affiliation and Achievement.
Those, who have the ability to lead, must not forget the power of motivating their followers. They look upon you to help them realize their potential. Won’t you help them?

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