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Reviving generosity - the act of giving

I have had been unsure of what I wanted to write. Don't get me wrong - this has been a common thing with me - being unsure or being confused. If I think deeply, I believe this is the same situation for almost all of us. We are highly unsure at the moment of taking a decision or committing towards something. Committing is like entering a contract - you shall not back out of a contract! Isn't that management? Guess what? breaking a contract was the topmost crime that must be dealt with iron fist as taught to Yudhishthira by Bheeshma Pitamah on his death bed.

Recently, there was a earthquake in Nepal claiming many lives and livelihood of many others. Followed by the earthquake, the nature showed little pity through a snowfall and series of quakes that have left the people shaky. Being in the Himalayas, the worst affected places have been cut off from the rest of the world as the roads and the bridges have been affected too. This has jeopardized the rescue and relief efforts as well. Not just Nepal, but the adjoining areas have been through a great trauma since the nature shook its head. The people over there need help, need us, need belief that someone somewhere shall come to their rescue. 

The god or the superpower or the supernatural we all believe in, will come to the rescue of the fallen and shall help them. But how? I believe he sends his agents to work on his behalf and later get immortalized as his incarnations. This is just a belief, but a strong one. I believe this is an opportunity for all the rescue workers to step up and get immortalized in the visions of the people of Nepal and affected areas. In this attempt to provide the relief, all of us can play a part. Do whatever you can to help the rescue and relief missions - supplies, money, labor, honesty, getting down there and helping with the rebuilding - anything that you can.

Of course, money is an important media for charity, but not the only one. As I spoke in my earlier posts, charity is not simply an act of giving. Charity is an act of enabling someone to withstand their hardships and get back to normal routine. And that's the reason, why I emphasize on the thought behind the act than the act itself. The purity of thought, the vision behind the act defines the way in which the act is exercised and thus the outcome is defined. Thinking of an example to this idea is the birth of Dhritrashtra, Pandu and Vidura (If you want the explanation on that topic, contact me). 

We have always read and believed in the saying that "God helps those who help themselves" - a great thought. However, in my opinion, this is quite a selfish thought for it creates a way for one to turn away from the act of giving. The giver is always considered higher than the one who takes. Giving away something that you have in excess is simply an act of charity. But giving away something which is near and dear to you is only triggered through generosity. Karna was not remembered for giving away all his money but for giving away his armour and earrings which made him invincible. 

As per the Hindu belief, we are expected to give away provisions on Makar Sankranti, thinking that it shall provide for us in next life. Islam and even Christianity subscribes to the thought of giving or charity. Thereby upholding the virtues of charity. 

An act of giving with an expectation of returns is not charity but business. Generosity is not even in question in such a transaction. An act of giving under force is also not charity, but can be termed as a loot or taken by force. If you wish your act goes a long way, do it with a pure heart. It cleans yourself and creates a better world to live in. 


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