Thursday, May 28, 2015

Yet another look at generosity

We recently completed the fundraiser for Nepal earthquake victims. Thank you all for all your support to us for this great event. It was a well attended program and very well organized. My wife has done a great job for a noble cause and has collected amazing amount of funds to be given to the Red Cross. I am so proud of having a partner who is passionate and keeps me on my toes in the quest for good deeds. While we were working our way with the fund raiser, we met with a person who is to go to Nepal and help rebuild homes. We hope that our small contribution makes an impact in someone’s life.

At the time when left out grey cells in the right hemisphere of the thing called brain were working on the event, the whitish grey cells in the left hemisphere were busy thinking of another story.

Let me retell it for you.

When the armies of Kauravas and Pandavas met each other face to face, ready to fight, there was a moment of stillness. A surprising quietness filled the atmosphere. The soldiers, captains, commanders and generals were sizing their counterpart in the other side. Suddenly a chariot came in between the two armies. The flag of the chariot sported a monkey, the charioteer was Sri Krishna and the owner was none other than Arjuna. Arjuna had requested Sri Krishna to steer him to the middle ground between the armies so that he can have a look at all the people who have come to fight this war on either sides. After giving a thorough look, he spoke to Sr Krishna – “Hey lord, what is the point of fighting this war? I am going to be fighting my own sons, nephews, brothers, uncles, teachers and in-laws? What is the point of winning this war, when I would have to set the throne on their corpses? Looking at all this, I do not wish to fight this war. I will give up my weapons and declare defeat. Let Kauravas take whatever they want!”. Sri Krishna laughed at hearing this. And asked “What a noble thought Parth! But let me ask you, where is this generosity coming from? Fear or Kindness? Are you letting go of your pride because you are afraid of loosing your loved ones? Or Are you letting go of your pride that you realize that it is meaningless?”

Bottom line of this conversation was – “Where does generosity comes from?”

The human mind is capable of imagination. Unfortunately, the imagination also gives rise to feeling of fear. The fear could be for anything, most prominent being failure and social pressure. Many times, we perform act not out f free will, but because of the social pressure. Fearing that non performance shall result in non compliance with the society.

Any charity done because of the fear is not generosity! It is neither charity. I am yet to find a suitable word to define the act. Please let me know if you have one.

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