Saturday, September 7, 2019

Ganesha - Reviving the series - 6

There have been multiple rather innumerable incarnations of Lord Ganesha. However, as per the GaneshaPurana, there is an important incarnation in every epoch.

In the Treta yuga or the golden age, Ganesha is known to be golden-hued and ten-armed mounted on a lion.

In the Dwayapa yuga associated with silver, Ganesha appeared as white-colored and six-armed riding a peacock. 

In the copper age or the Dwapara yuga which is the cosmic age prior to the present Kaliyuga, Ganesha defeated the red demon Sindura. The copious outpouring of blood turned the elephant headed deity red, daubed with the essence of Sindura. 

The fourth manifestation that is yet to come in this present Kaliyuga or iron age. The form of Ganesha, expected to return as a black two-armed horse rider to destroy the confusion, terrorism, negativity and all dark powers. His name will be Dhumraketu. 

Despite his many names and forms, Ganesha is regarded above all as an aspect of the only God. Each of his manifestation is said to represent a particular aspect of the absolute godhead. He is a luminous statement of unity in diversity. 

And in every form and incarnation, Ganesha addresses the broadest and deepest issues of the human condition.

In addition, eery form of Ganesha has a color attached to it as well - an idea for another day!

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