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What’s your mission?

Last week I was on an assignment where I attended a brainstorming session to come up with the mission and vision statement for a small emerging organization. We spent a long time explaining the importance of the statements and the difference amongst them. During the process, we analyzed and looked at the mission and vision statements from various organizations. Some of the common themes that we analyzed helped us understand that the mission statement is the internal view of the organization’s philosophy and the vision is the goal that helps other’s estimate the worth of the organization. Also did our analysis showed a few common elements, that are best described in the two columns –   Mission Statement Elements Vision Statement Elements Integrity Profitability People System (self-sustained) Service Market share Measure Purpose Philosophy Goal People, Integrity, Service and welfare are the always portrayed in the mission of any organization. This help

The power of Document!

A few days back I needed to call the customer service for one of the utilities at home. The call went pleasantly. The representative listened to my issues, tried to resolve or provide me solutions and my problem was solved. I was happy. When I reached home and I opened my emails, I saw an email asking for feedback on the service provided by the representative. Along with the request for the brief survey, a transcript of our telephonic discussion was also provided as a documentary proof of our conversation. A document is thus a summarization of the ideas that flew across two or more people in different communicating ways. The document lists important information that is mutually agreed upon and also the action items if any. The document is therefore the knowledge bits that may be required for a task. The document serves as a reference point for anyone using it for a task. The document also serves as a knowledge bank for anyone who reads it. This helps particularly in the customer servi

Ashwathama is dead

After Bhishma was sent to his death bed by Arjuna, Drona took charge of the Kaurava army. What a great warrior he was! He was a great teacher too. He taught both Kauravas and Pandavas and knew the strengths and weaknesses of everyone involved. He was almost invincible with his knowledge of war schemes and weaponry. Sri Krishna understanding the frustration of Pandavas devised a plan to remove Drona from the war. Per his scheme, Yudhishtira will announce the death of Ashwathama. And the Pandava army would kill an elephant on their side named Ashwathama. Since Yudhishthira would not tell a lie, he was suggested to break the announcement in two parts – “Ashwathama is dead, though it could be human or the animal”. All the warriors were instructed to blow trumpets and conches to celebrate the victory as soon as Yudhisthira says the first part. Drona heard the news but couldn’t hear the second part. Filled with grief, he gave up fighting. Dhristhdyumna – son of his arch rival – Drupada, then


रंग भरी देखो होली आई , मस्तानों की टोली आई। उड़ रहा है अबीर गुलाल।, मस्तानी है सबकी चाल। रंग भरी देखो होली आई , मस्तानों की टोली आई। खुशियों की सौगात है यह लाई, संग संग रंग खेलें सब भाई। बापू संग ठिठोली करें हैं माई , और बीवी रंगे देवर भौजाई। बच्चों ने जब पिचकारी चलाई , दादी संग नानी भी नहलाई। सुखी है अपना जीवन भाई , रंग भरी देखो होली आई। मन का चैन फिर भी रहा है काट , क्यों ना लें हम खुशियाँ बाँट। काहे करें हम लड़ाई , जब देखो हैं होली आई। खून होता सबका लाल , हरा पीला तो होता गुलाल। क्यों रहते हो खुद को बाँट ? खुशियों को लेते हो खुद ही काट। रंग भरी देखो होली आई, मस्तानों की टोली आई। सदा साथ रहने की हैं हमने कसम खाई , भेदभाव होलिका सांड जलाई। प्रेम कि हैं मिठाई खाई , आओ नाचें हम सब भाई, एकता की दें दुहाई, क्यों की रंग भरी देखो होली आई, मस्तानों कि टोली आई।

What happened to us – Contd.

Sequels are in fashion. Why should I be left behind? So, here is my sequel - In my previous blog – “ What happened to us? ” I touched upon the topic of relationship between couples. We saw the two extremes and hence can understand the shifting balances to find the perfect equilibria. Also I did state that we have somehow deduced that anything attached to female is inferior. There are many stories to that which have been concocted in multiple ways to suit our own progenical ideas. One of the most popular one being the sharing of Indra’s guilt for killing Viswaroopa – the teacher of the gods. Indra being the king of the gods needed someone to share his sin and absolve himself of the same. He then shared his sin with the earth, ocean, trees and women. The earth has seizures – volcanic eruptions as a result of the sin. The ocean produces foam / froth. The trees excrete gum. And the women have their menstrual cycle as a result of this sin. At the same time all four were given enormous boon

Khalnaayak Ki Khoj - Search for the villain

श्रीमान नायक कहते हैं  नया है जमाना , बेटे और बेटी में फर्क बतलाना।  बेटी को खूब पढ़ाएंगे , पांचवी कक्षा में ही शादी करवायेंगे ।  बहू नहीं बेटी चाहिए , साथ में ट्रक भर दहेज़ चाहिए।  पश्चिम में फ़ैल रहा व्याभिचार , और खुद रखते पत्नी चार।  आधुनिकता है अनैतिकता का प्रचार , दूसरे के कपड़ों में झांकते हैं, ढूंढ मौके हजार।  स्वयं हैं समाज सुधारक , और कार्य हैं हृदय विदारक।  स्वयं हैं महाज्ञानी , तानों के सिवाय कुछ भी देना हैं बेमानी।  देने का हाथ तो है एक, और बटोरने के अनेक।  बड़ों का करते हैं बहुत आदर, सोचते हैं मरें तो काटें पाप के गागर।  प्रेम है ईश्वर का वरदान, और प्रेमियों का मिलन है विषपान।  हम हैं बहुत ज्ञानी, यह धन माया तो है एक दिन आनी जानी,  इसे जोड़ कर क्या करोगे ? मेरे पास छोड़ कर सुखी रहोगे।  लूटपाट है धर्म इनका, हिंसा ही है मंत्र इनका।  मेरे तरकस में हैं अनेकों तीर , एक से मरे ख्वाज़ा, एक से मरे पीर।  एकछत्र राज जो चलना है, सर्वत्र अपना ही धर्म फैलाना है।  सूत्रधार / खलनायक के विचार -  अब तो कहते हैं हम तुमसे यही नितिन, करना बस यही जतन प्रतिदिन,

What happened to us?

We just celebrated the international Women’s Day on March 8 th . A great day dedicated to women and thanking them for the society we are in. while exchanging messages from different contacts and relaying them to my wife, I was reminded of the season 1 episode 1 of “Satyamev Jayate” program which was aired on May 6 th , 2012. Anchored and and beautifully tackled by Amir Khan, the show focused on the topic of “Female Foeticide”. Looking back at the statistics recorded in the 2011 census in India, the rate shows killing of about a million girls a year. Considering the demographies, it is noted that the rate of female foeticide is higher in both literate and as well as illiterate communities. Even affluent communities have shown this mortal sin at skyrocketing rates. In another disturbing news, a few weeks ago, a high ranking official stabbed his wife suspecting her of infidelity. Rapes have become a regular feature. Even while we consider the rest of the crimes (molestation, eve teasing,